Bihar Board Class 8 English Chapter 10 Solutions – My Land

Get our comprehensive solution for Bihar Board class 8 English chapter 10 here. This page has covered all the answers and explanations of the doubts you may have with chapter 10 – “My Land”.

This chapter presents the patriotic poem “My Land” by the English poet Thomas Davis, which celebrates the poet’s deep love and pride for his homeland. Through vivid imagery and powerful language, Davis pays a heartfelt tribute to the virtues and qualities that make his native land truly special and unique. Below you will get class 8 English chapter 10 My Land question answer for free.

Bihar Board Class 8 English Chapter 10

Bihar Board Class 8 English Chapter 10 Solutions

Chapter10. My Land
BoardBihar Board

A. Warmer

Q1. Two friends have different thoughts about their country. One wants to serve her motherland after completing her studies. The other, wants to leave the country and settle in another country and work there. Who, in your opinion, is better ? Give reasons for your opinion.

Ans. Both friends have valid perspectives, but the one who wants to serve her motherland after completing her studies is making a more commendable choice. Our country has nurtured and provided opportunities for us, and it’s essential to give back and contribute to its progress. By staying and working here, we can help address challenges, drive development, and create a better future for ourselves and others. However, the decision to settle abroad can also be respected if it aligns with one’s aspirations and goals.

B. Let’s Comprehend

B. 1. Think And Tell

Q1. Name the qualities of the speaker’s native land.

Ans. The qualities of the speaker’s native land mentioned are rich, rare, fresh, fair, dear, warm, bold, true, and old.

Q2. Tell the qualities of men and women who live in the land of the land of the speaker.

Ans. The men of the land are described as braver than others, and the women are portrayed as bold and unwavering.

Q3. What is the wish of the poet ?

Ans. The poet expresses a wish to sacrifice their life freely for the sake of protecting their motherland from enemies.

B. 1. 2. Say whether the following statements are ‘’True’ or ‘False’.

  1. The poem is about a fresh and fair land. – True
  2. The speaker is ready to sacrifice his life for the sake of his motherland. – True
  3. The poet doesn’t talk about the virtue and beauty of his birthplace. – False
  4. According to the speaker, no enemy can cross the border of his native land. – True
  5. The poet is proud of his motherland. – True

B. 2. Think and Write

B. 2. 1. Tick (✓) the most appropriate option to complete the following statements.

Q1. There title of the poem ‘My Land’ does not indicate

(a) A fresh and fair land
(b) A dull and cold-land
(c) A dear and rare land.

Ans. (b) A dull and cold-land

Q2. The poet says that his native land is guarded and rewarded by

(a) The grace of God
(b) Its beauty and virtue
(c) Some unknown power

Ans. (a) The grace of God

Q3. No men than hers are braver”. The word ’her’ here refers to

(a) common men
(b) common women
(c) native people

Ans. (c) native people

B. 2. 2. Write the answer of the following questions in about 70 words.

Q1. Justify the title of “My Land.” Suggest another suitable title.

Ans. The title “My Land” is apt as the poem revolves around the poet’s deep love and admiration for their motherland. An alternative suitable title could be “My Beloved Homeland.”

Q2. Write the main idea of the poem “My Land”.

Ans. The central idea of the poem “My Land” is the poet’s profound patriotism and willingness to sacrifice their life to protect their nation from enemies. The poet highlights the rich qualities and superiority of their native land.

Q3. Do you agree with the views of the poet ? Give reasons.

Ans. The poet’s views resonate with true patriotism. Loving one’s country and being proud of its virtues is natural. However, the willingness to lay down one’s life should stem from a sense of duty and not blind nationalism.

Q4. What, according to the poet, are the qualities of one down country which one ought to be proud of ?

Ans. According to the poet, the qualities that make one’s country praiseworthy are its richness, rarity, freshness, fairness, warmth, boldness, truthfulness, and antiquity.

C. Word study

Look up the poem again and pick out the words that mean the opposite of the following words. Write these opposite words next to each of the words listen here.


common stale foreign
attack punish friend
evil intelligent timid


  • common – rare
  • stale – fresh
  • foreign – native
  • attack – save
  • punish – reward
  • friend – foe
  • evil – divine
  • intelligent – dull
  • timid – brave

D. Let’s Talk

Q1. Sit in a group of four or five. Talk about what you like/ don’t like in your country.


Amit: I like my country to be at the top.
Neha: I don’t like my country’s defeat in the cricket
Moni: I like my country to be very rich and its people prosperous.
Sonu: I don’t like my country to be let down by any of the country.

E. Composition

You are Saket, the Secretary of the Cultural committee of your school. Your cultural committee is going to stage a drama on the occasion of the Independence Day.

Q1. Write a notice on the notice board in this connection inviting students and their parents to watch the play being staged. Date, time, name of the play and place must be mentioned in it. Look at the format of a notice:-


Date: 14th August 2023
The Cultural Committee of ABC School is proud to present a thought-provoking drama titled “The Saga of Freedom” on the occasion of India’s 77th Independence Day.
Event Details:
Name of the Play: The Saga of Freedom
Date: 15th August 2023
Time: 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Venue: School Auditorium
All students and parents are cordially invited to grace this event with their presence. The drama aims to commemorate the sacrifices of our freedom fighters and instill a sense of patriotism among the audience.
Please make it convenient to attend and encourage our talented students.
Secretary, Cultural Committee
ABC School

F. Translation

Q1. Translate the poem into your mother tongue.

Ans. Translation of the poem is given before ‘Summary’.

Rich (adj) [रिच] = धनी, अमीर । Rare (adj)[रेअर] = मुश्किल से प्राप्त, दुर्लभ । Fresh (adj) [फ्रेश] = ताजा | Native (adj)[नेटिव) = जन्म स्थान । Braver (adj) [ब्रेवर] = अधिक बहादुर । Waver (v)|बेवर

झिझकना, संकोच करना । Divine (adj) [डिवाइन] = पवित्र | Dull (adj) |डल.] = सुस्त । Warm (adj) [वार्म) = गर्म । Bold (adj) |बोल्ड] = साहसी । Native land (adj) [नेटिव लैन्ड – जन्मभूमि । Beauty (n)

ब्यूटी] = सौन्दर्य । Guard (v) |गार्ड) = रक्षा करना । Virtue (n) [वयूँ) = गुण 1 Still (adv) [स्टिल= अव भी । Foe (n) [फो] = शत्रु । Reward (v) [रिवार्ड) = इनाम देना । Border (n) |बार्ड) = सीमा । Fresh (adj) [फ्रेश] = ताजा । Fair (adj) [फेअर = सुन्दर । True (adj)/टू] = सच्चा।। Mine (pron) |माइन] = मेरा ।

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