Bihar Board Class 10 Hindi Solutions

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Bihar Board Class 10 Hindi Solutions is a self-study guide for class 10 students. This is a comprehensive set of solutions that provides the solved problems of your book. With this guide, you will get chapter-wise Bihar Board class 10 Hindi Book solutions. It also includes free pdf files for convenient study.

Bihar Board Class 10 Hindi Solutions

Bihar Board Class 10 Hindi Solutions
BoardBihar Board

Are you a Bihar Board Student studying in class 10th? Are your board exams coming close? If your answers are yes, then you are at the right place. On our site, we have presented you with the Bihar Board Solutions Class 10 for free. This solution covers all the major subjects of class 10th. Today, we are sharing Bihar Board Class 10 Hindi Solutions with you. It is a reliable self-study guide, created by subject experts. This guide will provide you with the complete set of solved exercises of your textbook.

Chapter-wise Bihar Board Class 10 Hindi Book Solutions

The class 10th hindi textbook has two parts – (Godhuli Part 2) गोधूलि भाग 2 and (Varnika Part 2) वर्णिका भाग 2. With this self-study guide, you will get both the parts covered. Having these solutions will not only aid you in exam preparation but will also enhance your linguistic proficiency. Bihar Board Class 10 Hindi Book Solutions provides you the most simplified explanations and answers ever. We have divided the complete set of solutions in chapter-wise manner, so that you can study properly.

Here are the chapter-wise solutions of BSEB class 10 Hindi Book-

गोधूलि भाग 2 (Godhuli Part 2) Solutions

Class 10 Godhuli Gadya Solutions
1. श्रम विभाजन और जाति प्रथा
2. विष के दाँत
3. भारत से हम क्या सीखें
4. नाखून क्यों बढ़ते हैं
5. नागरी लिपि
6. बहादुर
7. परंपरा का मूल्यांकन
8. जित-जित मैं निरखत हूँ
9. आविन्यों
10. मछली
11. नौबतखाने में इबादत
12. शिक्षा और संस्कृति
Class 10 Godhuli Padya Solutions
1. राम बिनु बिरथे जगि जनमा, जो नर दुख में दुख नहिं मानै
2. प्रेम अयनि श्री राधिका, करील के कुंजन ऊपर वारौं
3. अति सूधो सनेह को मारग है, मो अँसुवानिहिं लै बरसौ
4. स्वदेशी
5. भारतमाता
6. जनतंत्र का जन्म
7. हिरोशिमा
8. एक वृक्ष की हत्या
9. हमारी नींद
10. अक्षर-ज्ञान
11. लौटकर आऊँगा फिर
12. मेरे बिना तुम प्रभु

वर्णिका भाग 2 (Varnika Part 2) Solutions

Class 10 Varnika Solutions
1. दही वाली मंगम्मा
2. ढहते विश्वास
3. माँ
4. नगर
5. धरती कब तक घूमेगी

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