Bihar Board Class 6 English Chapter 15 Solutions – Excuses, Excuses!

Bihar Board Class 6 English Chapter 15 solutions are presented for free here. The playful poem “Excuses, Excuses!” by Gareth Owen takes a humorous look at the array of excuses people make to avoid taking responsibility or following through on commitments. With a lighthearted and gently mocking tone, the poet catalogs all manner of far-fetched justifications and flimsy rationalizations that demonstrate the creative lengths to which one will go to sidestep obligations or deflect blame. On this page, you will get Bihar Board class 6 chapter 15 question answer for free.

Bihar Board Class 6 English Chapter 15

Bihar Board Class 6 English Chapter 15

Chapter15. Excuses, Excuses!
AuthorGareth Owen
BoardBihar Board

A. Warmer

Q1. What excuses do you make for being late of absent or not doing a home work ? Discuss some ready made excuses the children often make ?

Ans. Children make many kinds of excuses. Some of them are pain in stomach, being sick, headache, toothache etc.

B. Comprehension

B. 1. Think and Tell

Q1. Why was Blenkinsopp late ?
Ans. His Grandma died.

Q2. Why was Blenkinsopp absent ?
Ans. He was absent for his grandmother was seriously ill and died.

Q3. Why was Blenkinsopp unable to line up for Physical Education?
Ans. His kit was not with him.

Q4. Why did Blenkinsopp not put on kit for Physical Education ?
Ans. His grandma spoiled it.

Q5. Who helped Blenkinsopp to put on Physical Education kit ?
Ans. His grandma.

B. 2. Think and Write.

B. 2. 1. True or False.
Based on the story write ‘true’ or ‘false’ next to each sentence given below.

(a) Blenkinsopp was late because of his fault. – True
(b) The excuse Blenkinsopp made for being absent for his maths test was his grandmother’s death. – True
(c) Blenkinsopp really wanted to miss the Maths test. – True
(d) Blenkinsopp agreed to line up for P.E. – False
(e) Blenkinsopp used the words “can’t, sir” thrice in the poem. – False

B. 2. 2. Tick the answers to each of the questions given below.

Q1. What’s the excuse this time ? The teacher asked this question because

(a) It was not the fust time Blenkinsopp was late.
(b) Blenkinsopp was late for the first time.
(c) Blenkinsopp’s teacher felt sorry for him.

Ans. (a) It was not the just time Blenkinsopp was late.

Q2. Blenkinsopp’s kit was at home because he wanted to prove that

(a) It was dirty
(b) Not ironed
(c) Her grandmother was dead

Ans. (c) Her grandmother was dead

B. 2. 3. Answer the following questions

Q1. How was the grandmother responsible for Blenkinsopp’s coming late ?

Ans. She had died.

Q2. Why was Blenkinsopp’s P.E. kit at home ?

Ans. He did not want to bring his kit at school.

Q3. What excuses did Blenkinsopp make for his mistakes and negligence?

Ans. Blenkinsopp would make excuses like his grandmother’s death or having a toothache that required a dentist’s visit to justify his mistakes and lack of responsibilities.

Q4. What is your opinion about Blenkinsopp ?

Ans. Blenkinsopp comes across as an irresponsible and insincere student. He dislikes attending physical education classes and repeatedly makes up lame excuses, particularly about his grandmother’s demise, to avoid them, which is disrespectful behavior.

C. Word Power

C. 1. Go through the text again and guess the meaning of the following words:
(excuse, fault, term, absent, missed, usually)


  • excuse = to make an apology for.
  • fault = blemish, mistake, defect,
  • term = time, period,
  • absent = not present,
  • missed = failure to attain.
  • usually = normally, generally.

C. 2. Abbreviation

An abbreviation is a shortened or contracted from of a word or phrase used to represent the whole.

Find out what these short forms stand for.


  1. Mr – Mister
  2. Dr – Doctor
  3. Md – Muhammad
  4. Govt – Government
  5. Ltd – Limited
  6. No – Number
  7. Min – Minute
  8. Kg – Kilogram
  9. etc – etcetera
  10. Max – Maximum

D. Grammar

D. 1. Comma and Inverted Commas

D. 1. 1. Use commas or Inverted commas wherever necessary

  1. He said I want to buy books note books pencils and pens.
  2. There were lions elephants tigers and bears in the zoo.
  3. Tanzim said I have eaten mangoes oranges grapes papayas and bananas.
  4. Tufail Monu Farhan Rajesh Shivam and Ravi are friends.
  5. He asked what is your father ?


  1. He said, “1 want to buy books, note books, pencils and pens.”
  2. There were lions, elephants, tigers and bears in the zoo.
  3. Tanzim said, “I have eaten mangoes, oranges, grapes, papayas and bananas.
  4. Tufail, Monu, Farhan, Rajesh, Shivam and Ravi are friends.
  5. He asked, “What is your father ?”

G. Translation

Translate into English

  1. यह गलती किसकी है?
  2. वह किताब किसकी है?
  3. आप किसके बेटे हैं?
  4. यह किन लोगों का देश है ?
  5. हमलोग किनके छात्र हैं?


  1. Whose mistake is this ?
  2. Whose book is that ?
  3. Whose son are you ?
  4. Whose country is this ?
  5. Whose student’s are we ?
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Chapter 15 Solutions – Excuses, Excuses!

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