Bihar Board Class 6 English Chapter 14 is “Rikki Tikki Tawi”. This chapter is about the brave mongoose Rikki-Tikki-Tawi and his fight to protect the family that gave him shelter. It begins with a young boy named Teddy finding Rikki wet and motionless in the garden after heavy rains, thinking him dead. On this page, you will get Bihar Board class 6 chapter 14 question answer for free. This is our free guide that will help you to build a solid foundation with the chapter.

Bihar Board Class 6 English Chapter 14
Subject | English |
Class | 6th |
Chapter | 14. Rikki Tikki Tawi |
Author | Rudyard Kipling |
Board | Bihar Board |
A. Warmer
Q1. Animals are our friends. Man has been domesticating animals for a long time. Which animals are pet animals ? How are they useful.
Ans. Cow, buffalo, dog, goat rabbit, etc. are some domestic or pet animals. Cow, buffalo and goat gives milk. Dog guard the house and rabbit make one pleased.
B. Comprehension
B. 1. Think and Tell
Q1. How old was Teddy ?
Ans. Ten years old.
Q2. How did the mother know that the mongoose was not dead?
Ans. The mother saw that his heart was beating faintly.
Q3. Why were Teddy and his parents delighted ?
Ans. Being heated, the mongoose sneezed which made Teddy and his parents delighted.
Q4. Where did the mongoose sleep ?
Ans. In Teddy’s room.
B. 2. Think and Write
Q1. Why did the Teddy’s father wrap the mongoose in an old woolen mutller and place him near tire.
Ans. To give the wet mongoose heat, Teddy’s father wrapped the mongoose in an old woolen mu filer and placed bim near fire.
Q2. What did the mongoose eat in breakfast ?
Ans. The mongoose ate a banana and a boiled egg.
Q3. What is the main purpose of a mongoose’s life ?
Ans. The main purpose of a mongoose’s life is to fight and kill the snakes.
Q4. Where did Rikki Tikki see Nag and Nagin ?
Ans. Rikki Tikki saw them in the garden.
B. 2. 2. Answer in not more than 50 words.
Q1. Why did Teddy name the mongoose ‘Rikki Tikki Tawi’ ?
Ans. Teddy named the mongoose ‘Rikki Tikki Tavi’ because of the peculiar sound the mongoose made while running through the tall grass – ‘Rikki-tikki-tikki-tikki’, which amused Teddy.
Q2. What were Nag and Nagina talking ?
Ans. Nagina was telling her husband Nag to bite and kill Teddy’s family – the three people living in the house. She said that once they were gone, the mongoose (Rikki Tikki Tavi) would leave, and they could have the garden to themselves.
Q3. Why did Rikki Tikki enter the bathroom of Teddy’s parents?
Ans. During his nightly rounds around the house, Rikki Tikki heard faint voices coming from Teddy’s parents’ bathroom, so he entered to investigate who was there.
Q4. Why did Nag and Nagin want to bite Teddy and his parents ?
Ans. Nag and Nagina wanted to bite and kill Teddy and his parents because they knew that as long as the mongoose (Rikki Tikki Tavi) lived with the family, he posed a threat to their lives. By eliminating the family, they hoped Rikki would leave, allowing them to live safely in the garden.
Q5. What made Rikki Tikki fight against Nag ?
Ans. Rikki Tikki fought against Nag because he loved Teddy’s family, who were his owners and cared for him. He knew Nag intended to kill them, so he fought fiercely to protect the family he was devoted to.
C. Word Power
C. 1. Go through the text again and guess the meaning of the following words.
(pale, still, bury, faintly, wrapped, sneezed)
- Pale – of yellowish colour.
- still – now also.
- bury – to dig and put in the earth,
- faintly – very slowly.
- wrapped – covered.
- sneezed – the act of sneezing, to make explosive sound while emitting air suddenly from the nose.
C. 2. Find out the words of opposite meanings
(Friends, death, wet, awake, unhappy)
- Friends – enemies
- death – birth
- wet – dry
- awake – asleep
- unhappy – happy.
D. Grammar
D. 1. Complete each sentence with a verb from the list
(steal, break, see, go, falldown)
Look, somebody have broken that window.
I can not find my pen. Somebody has stolen it.
Where is Mamta ? Did you saw her?
My house has fallen down Where shall we go ?
I am looking for Khushboo, Where could she go . ?
E. Let’s Talk And Write
Q1. Discuss with your friends on pet animals.
Ans. Do it with yourselves .
Q2. Write a paragraph on your pet animal.
Ans. I have a lovable pet dog named Sheru. Dogs are often called man’s best friend, and Sheru truly lives up to that. He is an intelligent and obedient animal who quickly learns tricks and follows commands. While Sheru enjoys eating rice and bread, his favorite treats are meat and fish. One of his mischievous habits is chasing after hens, but I am working on training him not to do that. Above all, Sheru is an extremely loyal and faithful companion. He showers me with unconditional love and affection, which makes having him as a pet truly rewarding.
F. Translation
Q1. Translate into English
- क्या तुमने गोलघर देखा है ?
- नहीं मैंने गोलघर नहीं देखा है।
- क्या आप पटना जा चुके हैं ?
- हाँ, मैं पटना जा चुका हूँ।
- आपने वहाँ क्या देखा है?
- मैंने वहाँ चिड़ियाघर देखा है।
- Have you seen the Gol Char ?
- No, I have not seen the Gol Ghar.
- Have, you gone to Patna ?
- Yes, I have gone to Patna.
- What have you seen there ?
- I have seen the zoo there.
Q2. Translate into your mother tongue
- Has he ever come to you ?
- No, he has never come to me.
- Who has told you about him ?
- Where have they gone ?
- Why have they come ?
- क्या वह कभी तुम्हारे पास आया है ?
- नहीं, वह कभी मेरे पास नहीं आया है।
- किसने तुम्हें उसके बारे में बताया ?
- वे कहाँ गये हैं ?
- वे क्यों आए हैं?