Bihar Board Class 9 English Poetry Chapter 4 Solutions – To Daffodils

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Chapter 4 of the Bihar Board Class 9 English book features the poem “To Daffodils” by Robert Herrick, a renowned 17th-century English poet. This lyrical piece compares the short-lived beauty of daffodils to the fleeting nature of human life. Through simple yet vivid imagery, Herrick explores themes of time, mortality, and the transient beauty of nature.

Bihar Board Class 9 English Poetry Chapter 4

Bihar Board Class 9 English Poetry Chapter 4 Solutions

Chapter4. To Daffodils
AuthorRobert Herrick
BoardBihar Board

A. Work in small groups and answer the following questions orally

Q1. Which is your favourite flower? Why do you like it?

Ans. My favorite flower is the rose, especially the red rose. I love its vibrant color and elegant shape, and its sweet fragrance is captivating. Roses also have a rich symbolic meaning in many cultures, representing love and beauty.

Q2. A flower blossoms and decays. Can it be compared to the life of a human being?

Ans. Yes, a flower’s life cycle can be compared to human life. Like a flower, humans go through stages of growth, reach a peak, and eventually decline. However, unlike flowers, humans have the ability to leave lasting impacts through their actions and relationships, even after they’re gone.

B. Answer the following questions very briefly

Q1. To whom does the speaker address the poem?

Ans. The poet or the speaker addresses to daffodils.

Q2. Why does the speaker weep to see fair daffodils?

Ans. The speaker weeps to see the decaying daffodils, so soon.

Q3. What does the speaker want the daffodils to do?

Ans. The speaker wants the daffodils to stay more.

Q4. What time of day does the speaker say it is?

Ans. The speaker says that it is just before noon.

Q5. Name three things that, according to the speaker, ‘die away’.

Ans. The three things are spring, the summer’s rain, and the morning dew.

Q6. Why does the speaker repeat the word ‘Stay’ in this poem?

Ans. The three things are spring, the summer’s rain, and the morning dew.

Q7. What does the summer’s rain symbolise in this poem?

Ans. The summer’s rain symbolises the perishable nature of life.

C.1. Long Answer Type Questions

Q1. Why does the poet weep to see fair daffodils? What does he want it to do? Do you ever have such a feeling?

Ans. The poet weeps because daffodils have such a short life, symbolizing the fleeting nature of beauty and life itself. He wishes they could stay longer, at least until evening, showing his desire to hold onto beautiful moments. While I personally don’t weep over flowers, I can relate to feeling sad when something beautiful doesn’t last long.

Q2. Do you think that the title of the poem is suggestive and evocative?

Ans. The title “To Daffodils” is indeed suggestive and evocative. It hints at the poem’s theme of life’s brevity, using daffodils as a symbol for all things beautiful but short-lived. The title invites readers to reflect on the nature of life and death, making it both meaningful and thought-provoking.

Q3. How has human life been compared to the life of daffodils?

Ans. The poem compares human life to daffodils to highlight how brief our existence is. Just as daffodils bloom briefly before withering, humans live for a relatively short time before dying. This comparison reminds us that life is precious because it’s temporary, encouraging us to appreciate our time.

Q4. Give the main idea of the poem.

Ans. The main idea of the poem is the transient nature of life and beauty. It uses daffodils as a metaphor for human existence, emphasizing that everything in this world is temporary. The poem encourages readers to reflect on life’s brevity and the importance of cherishing our time.

Q5. Who are ‘we’? What do ‘we’ and the daffodils have in common?

Ans. ‘We’ in the poem refers to all humans. Both ‘we’ and the daffodils share the common fate of having a limited lifespan. The poem draws this parallel to highlight the universal nature of mortality, showing that all living things, whether flowers or humans, must eventually come to an end.

C. 2. Group Discussion

Discuss the following in groups or pairs:-

Q1. Love the life you live, live the life you love.

Ans. This saying encourages us to appreciate our lives and live in a way that brings us joy. It means finding happiness in our current situation while also pursuing what we truly love. Life is precious and unique to each person, so we should make the most of it. This doesn’t mean being reckless, but rather living purposefully and with gratitude. It’s about finding a balance between accepting our circumstances and working towards our dreams. By loving the life we have and living in a way we love, we can find more fulfillment and meaning in our daily experiences.

Q2. Take life as it comes.

Ans. This phrase suggests accepting life’s ups and downs with a positive attitude. It doesn’t mean being passive, but rather adapting to changes and challenges as they arise. Life is unpredictable, and this approach can help us stay calm and resilient in the face of unexpected events. However, it’s important to balance this acceptance with effort towards our goals. We can prepare for the future while still being open to whatever life brings. This mindset can lead to less stress and more contentment, as we learn to navigate life’s journey with flexibility and grace.

Comprehension Based Questions with Answers

  1. Fair Daffodils, we weep to see
    You haste away so soon:
    As yet the early-rising Sun
    Has not attained his noon.
    Stay, stay,
    Until the hasting day
    Has run
    But to the even-song;
    And, having prayed together, we
    Will go with you along.

Q1. Name the poem and its poet.

Ans. The name of the poem is ‘To Daffodils’ and the poet’s name is Robert Herrick.

Q2. What do daffodils do?

Ans. The daffodils haste away very soon.

Q3. What does the poet ask the flower to do?

Ans. The poet asks the flower to stay.

Q4. How long does the poet want the flower to stay?

Ans. The poet wants the flower to stay until evening song.

Q5. What will the poet and the flower do together?

Ans. The poet and the flower will pray together in the evening.

  1. We have a short time to stay, as you,
    We have as short a Spring;
    As quick a growth to meet decay
    As you, or anything.
    We die,
    As your hours do, and dry.
    Like to the Summer’s rain;
    Or as the pearls of morning’s dew,
    Never to be found again.

Q1. What kind of season do they enjoy?

Ans. The poet and Daffodils enjoy spring but the season is very short.

Q2. What about their growth and decay?

Ans. They have quick growth and decay.

Q3. What are pearls compared to?

Ans. The morning’s dew has been compared to pearls.

Q4. Which are never found again?

Ans. The summer’s rain and the pearls of morning’s dew are never to be found again.

Other Chapter Solutions
Chapter 1 Solutions – The Grandmother
Chapter 2 Solutions – On His Blindness
Chapter 3 Solutions – Blow, Blow, Thou Winter Wind
Chapter 4 Solutions – To Daffodils
Chapter 5 Solutions – Sound
Chapter 6 Solutions – Self Introduction
Chapter 7 Solutions – I Am Like Grass
Chapter 8 Solutions – Abraham Lincoln’s Letter to His Son’s Teacher

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