Today we are presenting you with our free guide on UP Board class 8 English chapter 10. This guide gives you the precise solutions for all the questions asked in chapter 10 – “A Hero”.
UP Board class 8 English chapter 10, “A Hero,” is an adaptation from R.K. Narayan’s ‘Malgudi Days.’ It tells the story of Swami, a nine-year-old boy from Malgudi village. One day, Swami’s father reads him a newspaper story about a boy who bravely faced a tiger, challenging Swami to sleep alone in his office to prove his courage. Despite his fear of darkness and ghosts, Swami reluctantly agrees.

UP Board Class 8 English Chapter 10 Solutions
Subject | English |
Class | 8th |
Chapter | 10. A Hero |
Author | R.K. Narayan |
Board | UP Board |
1. Answer the following questions:
Question A. What news did Swami’s father read in the newspaper?
Answer: Swami’s father read in the newspaper about a brave village boy who faced a tiger while returning home through the jungle.
Question B. What does Swami’s father quote regarding strength and courage?
Answer: Swami’s father quoted that courage is more important than physical strength; even a person with little strength but great courage can achieve remarkable feats.
Question C. Why did Swami’s father ask him to sleep in his office room?
Answer: Swami’s father asked him to sleep in the office room to test his bravery and overcome his fear of darkness.
Question D. What was Swami’s condition when he lay amidst the furniture?
Answer: When Swami lay amidst the furniture, he was gripped with intense fear, his heart raced, he shut his eyes tightly, and sweated profusely.
Question E. What was the incident which showed Swami’s bravery?
Answer: The incident that proved Swami’s bravery was when he mistook a notorious thief for a ghost in the dark office room and courageously hugged and bit the intruder, leading to the thief’s arrest.
2. Write whether the following statements are true’ or false’:
- Swami lives in Malgudi village. (T)
- Swami always slept beside his mother. (F)
- Swami remembered all the stories of devils and ghosts. (T)
- The police said that Swami was a true scout. (F)
Word Power
1. Tick (✓) the correct words from the brackets:
- Objects like table, chair and bed used in home. (furniture ✓/ crockery)
- A woollen sheet used to keep us warm. (bedsheet/blanket✓)
- A set of rooms or building where people work. (office✓/playground)
- A person who enters a building illegally in order to steal. (burglar✓/joker)
Language Practice
1.complete the sentences using- from… to, till, at :
- The crowd cheered till the end of the game.
- The train is expected at 12 p.m.
- Children played cricket from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.