MP Board Solutions Class 6
All Subjects | Free PDF | Updated Syllabus
MP Board Solutions Class 6 is available for free here. This is the best study guide for MP Board Class 6th Students. It will provide you with the solved problems from your textbooks. These solutions are also available in PDF format that you can get here for free!
MP Board Solutions Class 6
Board | MP Board |
Year | 2024 |
Class | 6th |
Subject | All |
MPBSE or Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Education is the state-board of Madhya Pradesh. This is the responsible body to conduct examinations for Class 6 to Class 12 schools, affiliated with MPBSE. If you are a MP Board Class 6th student and searching for a guide, then you have come to the right place. Here we have presented you with the MP Board Solutions Class 6 for All Subjects. This is a very helpful self-study guide for students to make their studies smooth.
MP Board Solutions Class 6 is created by the teachers and subject experts. It covers all the major subjects of class 6 – English, Hindi, Math, Science, Social Science and Sanskrit. With MP Board class 6th solutions, you will get step-by-step solutions of each subject and their chapters. Using this guide, students can master the concepts and clear their doubts easily. The solutions are available in both Hindi and English Medium.
Class 6 Book Solutions for MP Board
As mentioned earlier, this guide covers all the prescribed books of MPBSE class 6th. These solutions are written keeping the needs of students in mind. Subjects like maths can be challenging for the students. But with the help of this guide, students can grasp concepts by studying themselves. If you were searching for any MP Board Class 6 book solutions, then here we have covered you all. From below, you can access the solution of all subjects.
MP Board Class 6 English Book Solutions
MP Board Class 6th English book solutions have covered all chapters, poems and grammars. With this guide you can understand your subject and build a solid foundation with the grammar for class 6.
English Reader Special Series |
MP Board Class 6 English Book Solutions |
1. Kassim and Ali |
2. The Town Child |
3. A Boy Judge |
4. The Country Child |
5. Sultan Saladin and The Jewish Merchant |
6. The Righteous King |
7. Who Has Seen the Wind |
8. Robin Hood and the Sheriff |
9. The Naughty Boy |
10. Birbal Visits Heaven |
11. Rain in Summer |
12. Columbus Discovers America-I |
13. Columbus Discovers America-II |
14. My Plan (Poem) |
15. A Caravan Chief |
English Reader General Series |
MP Board Class 6 English Book Solutions |
1. The Tree |
2. The Swing |
3. The King and The Spider |
4. My Childhood |
5. The Star |
6. The Test |
7. The Race |
8. The Elephant |
9. The Cobbler and the Fairies |
10. A Kind Boy |
11. A Moonbeam Comes |
12. Birbal and the Washerman |
MP Board Class 6 Hindi Book Solutions
With Class 6h MP Board Hindi solutions, students will get a simplified solution of the questions asked in the exercise. It covers all prose and poetry chapters with important topics of grammar. This will help students learn this subject with more understanding.
Class 6 Hindi Solutions – Sugam Bharti |
1. मैं ढूँढ़ता तुझे था |
2. जल ही जीवन है |
3. भाई-बहन |
4. अभिनन्दनीय भारत |
5. मदनमोहन मालवीय |
6. रामलाल का परिवार |
7. वृक्ष निभाता रिश्ता-नाता |
8. बाथरूम की फिसलन |
9. साहस |
10. कोई नहीं पराया |
11. नई सुबह |
12. जागो उपभोक्ता जागो |
13. लोक संस्कृति और नर्मदा |
14. सहनशीलता |
15. स्पष्टवादी |
16. रामेश्वरम् |
17. तीर्थ-यात्रा |
18. शंकराचार्य मध्यप्रदेश में |
19. मीरा पदावली |
20. कित्तूर की रानी चेन्नम्मा |
21. आओ दीप जलाएँ |
22. बोध कथाएँ |
23. इतने ऊपर उठो कि |
24. मित्र को पत्र |
Class 6 Hindi Solutions – Bhasha Bharti |
1. विजयी विश्व तिरंगा प्यारा |
2. कटुक वचन मत बोल |
3. हार की जीत |
4. अपना हिन्दुस्तान कहाँ है? |
5. व्याकरण परिवार |
6. विजय गान |
7. हम बीमार ही क्यों हों? |
8. संगीत शिरोमणि स्वामी हरिदास |
9. पद और दोहे |
10. क्या ऐसा नहीं हो सकता? |
11. झाँसी की रानी |
12. डॉ. होमी जहाँगीर भाभा |
13. बसन्त |
14. नारियल का बगीचा-केरल |
15. दस्तक |
16. श्रम की महिमा |
17. संकल्प |
18. परमानन्द माधवम् |
19. खूनी हस्ताक्षर |
20. रुपये की आत्मकथा |
21. मेरी माँ |
22. मैं श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता हूँ |
MP Board Class 6 Maths Book Solutions
Maths is one of the most challenging subjects for MP Board Class 6th students. But with MP Board Class 6 math solutions, your journey with this subject has become easier. It covers all problems from your textbook. And provides you with simplified solutions and their explanations.
Open – MP Board Class 6 Maths Book Solutions
MP Board Class 6 Science Book Solutions
Science for class 6th is a very important subject for the students. This subject has covered many important topics about science. With MP Board Class 6 Science Book Solutions, you will get a thorough understanding of each chapter and topics covered in your textbook.
Class 6 Science Solutions |
1. भोजन: यह कहाँ से आता है? |
2. भोजन के घातक |
3. तंतु से वस्त्र तक |
4. वस्तुओं के समूह बनाना |
5. पदार्थों का पृथक्करण |
6. हमारे चारों ओर के परिवर्तन |
7. पौधों को जानिए |
8. शरीर में गति |
9. सजीव: विशेषताएँ एवं आवास |
10. गति एवं दूरियों का मापन |
11. प्रकाश: छायाएँ एवं परावर्तन |
12. विद्युत तथा परिपथ |
13. चुंबकों द्वारा मनोरंजन |
14. जल |
15. हमारे चारों ओर वायु |
16. कचरा: संग्रहण एवं निपटान |
MP Board Class 6 Social Science Book Solutions
This guide has also covered the solutions of your Social Science book. With our MP Board Class 6 Social Science Solutions, now you can find answers easily and study a chapter in less time.
Class 6 Social Science solutions – Hindi Medium |
1 इतिहास जानने के स्रोत |
2 आदिमानव |
3 परिवार एवं समाज |
4 पारस्परिक निर्भरता |
5 सौरमण्डल में हमारी पृथ्वी |
6 ग्लोब और मानचित्र |
7 अक्षांश एवं देशान्तर रेखाएँ |
8 पृथ्वी के परिमण्डल |
9 हड़प्पा सभ्यता |
10 वैदिक संस्कृति |
11 जनपदों और महाजनपदों का युग |
12 मौर्य साम्राज्य |
13 समुदाय एवं सामुदायिक विकास |
14 जनजातीय समाज |
15 हमारे राष्ट्रीय प्रतीक और पहचान |
16 हमारा देश भारत |
17 भारत की जलवायु |
18 शुंग, सातवाहन एवं कुषाणकाल |
19 गुप्तकाल एवं उत्तर गुप्तकाल |
20 एशियाई देशों के साथ भारत के सम्बन्ध |
21 हमारा स्थानीय स्वशासन |
22 नगरीय संस्थाएँ |
23 जिला प्रशासन |
24 भारत की प्राकृतिक वनस्पति एवं जीव-जन्तु |
25 भारत की प्रमुख फसलें |
26 भारत के खनिज, शक्ति के साधन और उद्योग |
27 भारत में परिवहन के साधन |
28 भारत की जनसंख्या एवं वितरण |
MP Board Class 6 Sanskrit Book Solutions
Sanskrit book solutions for MP Board Class 6th students has covered all chapters, shlokas, stories and poems of their prescribed textbook. With this guide, students can build a solid foundation with the complex topics of Sanskrit.
MP Board Class 6 Sanskrit Solutions |
1. स्वराभ्यासः |
2. कर्त्तृक्रिर्त्तृयासम्बन्धः |
3. सर्वनामशब्दाः |
4. सङ्ख्याबोधः |
5. विद्या-महिमा |
6. मम दिनचर्या |
7. संहतिः कार्यसाधिका |
8. परोपकारः |
9. उज्जयिनीदर्शनम् |
10. परिचयः |
11. अस्माकं प्रदेशः |
12. रामचरितम् |
13. चतुरः वानरः |
14. जन्तुशाला |
15. स्वतन्त्रतादिवसः |
16. भोजस्य शिक्षाप्रियता |
17. चरामेति चरामेति |
18. दीपावलिः |
19. विज्ञानस्य आविष्काराः |
20. श्रमस्य महत्वम् |
21. सुभाषितानि |
Key Benefits of MP Board Class 6 Solutions
There are many benefits of using this guide for your studies. Do you need help in revising your syllabus? Or Do you need assistance to understand a complex topic for you? All you need is one destination – MP Board Solutions class 6. To keep things shorter, here are the key benefits of using class 6th MP Board Solutions –
- MP Board Solutions Class 6 has covered chapter-wise solutions of each prescribed book of your syllabus.
- This guide is aligned with your curriculum, so you can rely on them.
- It provides you conceptual clarity with solved problems and explanations.
- Answers are written by subject experts and follow a simplified structure.
- You can learn problem solving skills using MP Board solutions class 6.
These are only some of the key benefits of this guide. But trust us, it has numerous benefits for the students studying in class 6th. It is also worth noting that, You must use this MP Board solutions class 6 effectively to get better results. Copying the answers directly from this guide will not help in mentioned manners.
Final Words
In conclusion, MP Board Solutions for Class 6 is an invaluable resource for the students. This self-study guide provides assistance to the students to master their subjects. It follows a step-by-step writing and explanation approach, Which helps students learn complex problems and concepts easier. With MP Board solutions class 6 in your routine, you can make your studies more productive and engaging. Whether you want to revise a chapter, or just solve your doubts, This guide is useful for all your needs.